I wanted to use this final update to extend a big thanks to you for supporting this process.
I have been getting overwhelmingly positive reviews from a wide range of people, from high school teens to my grandma's friends. I'm very grateful to have created something that I'm really proud of.
If you got your copy and would like to write a positive review, please do so on itunes - the more ratings and reviews an album gets, the more visible it is to the broader community. Or post a link on your facebook page.
You helped me get this far, help this album to reach the most people as it's all about word of mouth with us indie artists.
a few final shows, along with album credits and lyrics are available on my website www.asiamei.com
In a final conclusion, here's a video with snippets of the album's songs and fragments of our recording process and tour.
My deepest gratitude again and see you on album #3!